
Malware (Spyware & Virus) Detection and Removal

Computer viruses and hackers are waiting for you to make the wrong move.
An anti-virus program only protects you from some of the threats on the internet. Most computers need other tools such as anti-spyware, anti-adware, anti-phishing and a firewall. Not only do viruses slow down your computer, but they can also lead to identity theft and stolen credit cards. There are over 20 million known computer viruses and hackers create new viruses each day. These viruses tend to spread through email, removable storage (SD cards, USB flash drives), and infected popular websites. As the number of computer viruses continue to grow, so do the marketing and sales of sub-standard security software. For example, common software such as McAfee, AVG, and Webroot have been tested and proven to be among the most unsecure security programs.