Rapid Web Design & Hosting
Don’t wait months for your website to be designed and developed. At White Tie Tech we produce quality websites in as little as 1 week with high quality search engine optimized (SEO) content. Not only do we create the website fast, but your website will actually be fast. Pages and images will load in a flash, so there will be no need to wait forever for a page to load. Our team is dedicated to providing your business with an amazing online presence that represents your business and your brand.
We produce beautiful and easy to manage websites on WordPress (and sometimes Drupal) with features such as:
- Simple admin interface
- Guided and interactive support walkthroughs
- Automatic posting to all social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc)
- Easy YouTube embedding (just copy and paste a link)
- Simply photo gallery creation
- Easy drag and drop photo uploads
- Built-in basic photo editor
- Google Drive integration
- Google Calendar integration
- Integration with over 100 other websites and services
Note: Some of those features are only available on WordPress based sites.
Design vs Development
So what’s the difference between design and development? Web design is the appearance and visual design of the website. This includes things like the layout, color scheme, images, overall feel and branding. Web development is the behind the scenes back end and administrative section of the website. This includes configuring the server, installing server modules, and configuring and customizing the content management system (CMS).
There are plenty of other web design companies out there, but there are very firms that combine web design and web development. Most web design companies have the following:
- A graphic designer
- A website manager
- A content copywriter (possibly)
However, what they lack is a server administrator. Server Administrators are crucial to have on a team as they know what exactly makes websites slow down, how it can be avoided, and how to avoid any potential security issues. At White Tie Tech we don’t let this critical role go unfilled, so we have an amazing team that includes server administrators, graphic designers, web managers, and copywriters.
Our Website Values
Over 63% of ALL internet traffic is from a mobile device so your website MUST look good no matter what device it is viewed from. Our focus on mobile first web development increases your search engine results, boosts your conversion rate, and overall makes your business look awesome.
The speed of your website is critical and is almost the single most important issue for your website. Studies have shown that up to 40-45% of users will abandon a web page if it takes longer than 4 seconds to load. It is important to keep in mind that some website visitors will eventually become customers. If people leave because the website is slow, you are essentially saying sayonara to 4 out of 10 potential customers.
Before we call a project a success, we take time and make sure that you are happy and well trained on the use of the website. We will always be here if you have any questions or problems in the future. However, if you need a question answered instantly, we leave you with Sidekick. Sidekick features over 50 different quick 1-2 minute guided and interactive instructions to common tasks.