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Password Headaches

Password Headaches and Other Problems Passwords are without a doubt the most commonly hated aspect technology. So to save time in the future, take a minute and read this quick guide on how to prevent password headaches (or aka A Quick Guide To Stop Losing Your Passwords). Forgetting your Password Everyone has had the experience […]

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3 Tips For Selecting A Wedding DJ

Selecting A Wedding DJ On the most important day of your life, the last thing you want is a DJ who leaves you with disappointment and a bill. Choosing the wrong DJ can lead to a wedding reception that will be remembered, for all the wrong reasons. To help you breath easier, we created a list […]

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What is ERP software

What is ERP Software Enterprise Resource Planning (or ERP) Software is basically software to manage every aspect of a business or organization. This is accomplished through the use of numerous integrated or apps (or modules) to manage everything from customers, inventory, and orders, to finances, projects, online sales, and even shipping. All of the data […]

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